Judson Reis
Judson & Grandson
Greetings from the guest contributor for this month and one of KCEF’s newest board members. I want to take this opportunity to share a few thoughts on why I have joined this board and made KCEF one of our central charities.

A bit about me – I worked for America’s leading frozen seafood brand, Gorton’s, for almost 30 years, the last 11 of which I was President & CEO of the company. Besides having a busy career and raising three children who are now independent adults, I have always allocated time for board work for a bunch of nonprofit organizations, small and large.

Given all the advantages I have had in life, I have always felt an obligation to give back to worthy causes with my time and business experience as well as with financial support.

After retiring at the end of 2019 and having more time to spend on nonprofit work, I looked for a few select organizations making a real impact on important issues facing our world and where I thought I could be of some assistance. My experience on past boards led me to believe that smaller, nimbler organizations focused on making real differences in communities often have the most impact and the most “bang for the buck,” with low overhead costs and money going directly to those in need.

In addition, one of the biggest issues we face across the globe is the increased stratification of society and the diminishing ability of those born into poverty to escape it and build better, more secure lives. Improved education is really the best way to give young people the chance to break free from this cycle. So I was looking for an efficient, effective organization focused on education for the poor.

group of students outside blessed childrens center in kenya
After two years on the board, I can say with absolute confidence that the Kijabe Children’s Education Fund is really making a difference in the education and lives of children in Kenya’s poorest neighborhoods. Not only are we seeing schools grow and thrive, but we have seen school leaders and staff persevere through an incredibly challenging two years of difficulties of truly biblical proportions—the pandemic, lockdowns preventing families from working, drought and even plagues of locusts!
With KCEF’s help, partner schools have stayed focused on educating and feeding children, and we have continued to see students from the Nairobi slums graduate from primary school, advance to secondary school and even go on to university, despite coming from an environment where most children never make it past a few years of primary school. I can confidently say this would not be happening without KCEF’s guidance and support—none of which would be possible without your financial help.

Not only have I been impressed with the results on the ground, but also with the operation of the dedicated board that runs this organization. The board does not try to dictate operations from afar, instead allowing the talented leaders in Kenya to run their schools.

But the board does provide support and guidance to the leaders as they grow these schools in amazing ways on shoestring budgets.

The board covers all of the minimal administrative expenses of the organization, so that as a donor you can be sure your dollars are 100% dedicated to supporting educational efforts in Kenya. With very regular communication and on site visits both from board members and members of the team in Kenya, there is strong monitoring and oversight of funds to make sure they are being used as planned. I couldn’t be happier that I decided to join this well run board and couldn’t be prouder of what we are accomplishing.

There is so much need and so much more we could be doing with the infrastructure we have in place, but for this we need your support. Won’t you please join me in making KCEF a key part of your giving? Thank you!

On behalf of the Board and our KCEF partner schools,

Judson Reis