Thika Vocational Program

About the program

In one particular slum the unemployment rate for 18-25 year olds is over 70%. Many from this age demographic either did not start or did not complete secondary school, leaving them without job skills.
In partnership with five local churches/pastors, in 2023 we tested a vocational program focused on the needs for education and employment for this age demographic—and it was very successful. In that year, 48 students graduated from the computer and drivers education programs. Most have gone on to obtain jobs or continue their education in computers or driving.
students working on a car's engine
students in an electrical course leaning how to install rebar
electrical students
driving class
In 2024, the vocational program expanded to include education and job training programs in electrical installation, plumbing and auto mechanics. 216 students are expected to graduate in 2024. This will be life changing for them, their families and their communities.
Top photo by Lilly Macharia
students in a plumbing class