Teacher Training

teachertrainingThe quality of student performance at all of our schools exceeds performance levels in surrounding public and private schools.  This is the result of dedicated teaching staffs and solid administrative leadership.  Although teachers are underpaid they are fiercely committed to their students and their teaching.

One way to reward this dedication and promote loyalty is through supporting teacher training.  KCEF has established scholarships and loans to further teacher education and advancement. Individual schools have chosen different methods by which to administer these funds. A period of service is required before eligibility as well as a commitment to the school for a period after completion.  

Sherry has completed her Certificate through scholarship and now is helping Filomena gain hers by paying back her loan.

In some schools teachers draw from a loan account which they repay to  fund the training of their colleagues.  This gives the double reward of advancing themselves and feeling pride and camaraderie in contributing to the education of fellow teachers.

How can I help? By donating to teacher scholarships.